NanoTag Biotechnologies

NanoTag Biotechnologies is a German company founded in 2015 by scientists with a strong background in biochemistry as well as quantitative super-resolution imaging. Situated in Göttingen, we are in constant exchange with scientists developing and applying tools for innovative cutting-edge research. The inspiring atmosphere created by leading scientists and an excellent network of entrepreneurship is an ideal breeding ground for our vision to produce thoroughly validated high-quality tools for life sciences, biotechnology, biomedical research, and therapy.

The core activity of NanoTag Biotechnologies is the screening and validation of camelid single-domain antibodies or nanobodies. The precursors of these antibody variants are originally made by the immune system of camels, llamas or alpacas, but, after obtaining their coding sequences, nanobodies can be produced on a large scale in fermenters, in organisms like bacteria or yeast. This not only minimizes their production costs, but also the use of animals. Currently NanoTag owns 40 alpacas dedicated for immunization trails and will immunize alpacas and screen for nanobodies to develop unique binders to S. aureaus as well as for human surface proteins implicated in inflammation. The obtained binders can be genetically modified to provide tools for a more efficient targeting of MRSA.


Dr. Hansjörg Götzke photo
Dr. Hansjörg Götzke
Dr. Steffen Frey photo
Dr. Steffen Frey
Lisa-Marie Funk photo
Lisa-Marie Funk