LeadtoTreat presented at ETPN
Ruth Schmid and Andreas Åslund from SINTEF attended the 17th annual event of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) which took place June 20-23rd in Braga, Portugal. ETPN2022 is a conference bringing together scientists, technology providers, entrepreneurs, industry, clinicians, and policy makers, all of them acting together for the development of great medical innovations from nanotechnologies and emerging health technologies. This event was an excellent opportunity to present the LeadtoTreat project to the broader community. During the presentation, Ruth pointed out that LeadtoTreat is open to include promising antibiotic compounds developed in academia or industry with poor drugability due to low solubility, high serum binding and/or unfavorable biodistribution and encouraged antibiotic developers with suitable compounds to contact the coordinator.